This year I have SO many AMAZING clients… really amazing, wonderful people that I am thrilled to be working with. Baylee & Chris are one such couple. In fact, I knew I wanted to work with Baylee when she said, coming to Poulsbo would give her a reason to go to Central Market. If you know me, then you know… I love Central Market!!! Yep… It was one of those “you had me at hello” moments. Our meeting only confirmed what I already knew… I REALLY wanted to work with this couple. Baylee is one of those people who just puts you at ease the moment you get around her. And Chris… well, he reminds me of my baby brother. Which means I adored him from “Hello” too. 🙂 Together these two are dynamite! And, I… I am one lucky photographer.
Baylee (who shares my love of barns and anything old…yes!) made arrangements for us to have access to this private residence in the Central Valley area. The farm is some 180ish acres and photographer’s dream! This picture in the field could be one of my favorite field shots to date.
From the field we wandered up to the barn. While Baylee and Chris worked the gate, I made a new friend who I like to call… Bessie.
Bessie wasn’t quite as happy to meet our acquaintance, so we moved on to the next barn. Where we made a new friend… a peacock or 2, 12, 18… I’m not really sure how many peacocks I met that day. They were basically everywhere and they were croaking (is that what they do? I don’t know.) I’ve never heard a peacock croak. Boy was I surprised. They are loud. Really loud. And they sound just like Kevin. You know Kevin?… the bird in the movie Up. I’m just sayin’… What’s up Kevin?!
Baylee & Chris, thank you for setting up this amazing venue… for owning this shoot… for being up for anything… for being so darn fun… and for totally working it in front of my camera! I had a blast. Last but not least, I need to thank Rhonda (Baylee’s Momma), who randomly asked me about my work when I was poking around her store with my camera. Thank you Rhonda, for passing along my contact information… I couldn’t be more thrilled to be work with these two.